Strange men at GameStop and Keyboredom.

I set this post up quite awhile ago as a draft… apparently I never got around to writing about what I wanted to a few weeks ago, which was my interesting experience in GameStop. I was standing in line waiting to buy the Platinum Edition of Guild Wars and I was behind two semi-old guys (over 40) who happened to be rambling on about online RPG’s. The guy on the left was about 6’5″, heavyset, and he reminded me of the character in the movies who’s sitting at the computer in the dark with a Mountain Dew  and he’s trying to hack into the Federal Government terminal. The guy on the right was a little bit shorter, but he looked like something that came up from the Underworld – sketchy, long green rain jacket, wild grayish hair… and he reeked of cigarettes and a noticeable lack of proper hygienic care. For some reason he kept bragging about his level 35 paladin… and the fat guy said something about kids being “kleptomaniacs” or whatever. I had a blast of a time laughing to myself… it was amazing how much self control was needed to keep from interjecting into the conversation to say something about my level 43 warrior, just to be a smart ass. Hell, I didn’t even know which game they were talking about… but all RPG’s have a warrior class, so it’d be legit.

Anyway, that’s my GameStop story from a few weeks ago. In other funny news, I was extremely bored today and I decided to take all the keys off my keyboard to clean it.Arrows


Note the “ROFL” and “UP”. Yep, rofl up!

F and J had to be in the same spot… but I had no idea that X found its way home. No idea if I’ll change it… probably not.

Anyway, g’night.

Well, here’s what I think about the recession…

I have come to the conclusion as I sit here at my desk that the world is one big pessimist. Those who try to be optimists fail, and those who try to be pessimists… well… succeed.

The United States is in an economic recession. That is quite clear. Those who say otherwise are optimists. I am usually an optimist, but for me to say that the economy isn’t in a recession would just be ignorant and stupid. So tonight I guess I’m a pessimist.

What bothers me isn’t the fact that we’re in a recession – it’s the fact that people are complaining more than they’re actually doing something about it. Sure, people find that if they buy a cheaper brand of bread or cut back on nuisance expenses, they have some more money in the bank. But that goes to show how the American thinks… “Ooh, I’ll just adjust my purchase of food!”.

Ahh, therein lies the solution. You really want to save money? How about cutting back your satellite television subscription from the die-hard “Sit on your ass all day and do nothing” Package of 500 channels (five or six of which you actually watch attentively/know the channel number by heart) to the standard 150-channel package? Or better yet, get rid of your TV altogether and discover that thing outside called nature!

That’s one solution.

Next… do you really need Internet that’s faster than an Aston Martin? If everything needed to go that fast, Aston’s would be as common as Honda’s. But they’re not. Why? Because people can’t afford them. Learn to drive in the slow lane and downgrade your T3, satellite Internet, or cable connection to something a bit more wallet friendly. Would it really kill you? Didn’t think so.

I’d say I’m sorry for ranting on like this, but I’m not. I’m tired of watching the news and listening to people complain about just how hard this is hitting them when, during the interview, they’re standing in front of their house and there’s an Audi or a Hummer in their driveway. People need to figure out that “making things easier” doesn’t only mean making sure that every single thing you buy at the grocery store is the cheapest brand that’s on sale… it also means giving up luxuries until this firestorm subsides.

If people stopped complaining, things would get better. Learn to adjust. And for God’s sake, stop interviewing whiny rich people on the 5 o’clock news. The other 95.5% of us really don’t care about you and your complaint that you spend $100 every time you fill your Hummer up at the pump. Buy a fuel efficient car! Is it really that complicated??

With that off my mind, I’m going to sleep.
