Hairy man-stomach billboards should be set on fire.

Okay, let’s start off with a little quiz. What’s nastier than driving down the road and seeing the person in the car driving towards you picking their nose?

How about driving into town and seeing a huge billboard with a picture of a fat man’s stomach and a tube hanging out of it?


Sad thing is, that billboard has been there for about two months now, and I realized just how much it disgusted me on the way to school today.

I mean, when you think about it, it’s a hell of a way to welcome outsiders to the town… “Hey, look at this nasty, fat, hairy man-stomach! Isn’t it lovely??”

I don’t know who is putting these posters up, but for $10 I’d take a bottle rocket in the middle of the night and light the damn thing on fire. I’d be doing the town a favor. Then again, the town is pretty much run by New York City people now… and based on what they see in the city they’re probably used to stuff like that. I, on the other hand, hate it. But what do I know… I’m just a local kid. Haha.

Maybe I’ll write an article to the local newspaper… I feel inspired now. If I do, I’ll put it up on here, just for kicks. =D

Anyway, I’m stumped on what to write about. I’m all tweaked up about that stupid billboard. Damn you, weird, fat, hairy man-stomach.

I think I’ll just go ahead and start that letter. Let the games begin!

Flying lessons, Hawthorne (should be slapped), and unconventional methods of making tea.

Well, quite a bit has happened since the last time I wrote in here. Allow me to describe the most important first.

I’m finally going to start flying again. However, I’m going with a different instructor for the time being because my current one is focusing mainly on instrument training. Besides, there’s no way in Hell I’m going back to the Allegro. No no no.

Funny thing is, the guy I’m going to be flying with is the one who took me up for the first time four years ago. My flight instructor… instructed (for lack of a better term) him in becoming a flight instructor, and voile.

In other news, I’ve been procrastinating on this stupid summer English project I’m supposed to be working on diligently. And guess what? I’m failing miserably. The Scarlet Letter has to be the MOST BORING book I’ve ever read. Everyone in my whole class is complaining about the damn thing. Had I known they were going to pull this crap in transition to our third year of Pre-AP English, I would’ve flipped them the good ol’ bird. Sure, the teacher’s excuse is “If you deserve to be in the class, then you’ll do the work over the summer.” Yeah, we also deserve a fricking break after 10 damn months of school. Hello, this is SUMMER. Doesn’t that mean anything?! I know what it means – NO SCHOOL. And yet here I sit with two lit candles, a cup of apple cinnamon tea (which has a story behind it), the book, a freaking thirty-page packet… and Sinatra playing over Sirius. Grrr.

Ah, the story behind the tea. Let us commence.

So a couple days ago we bought a new stove/oven/cooking surface. Today it was installed with the help of an electrician friend and a hell of a lot of patience. However, installing also required moving certain things around the kitchen, specifically the microwave. Stove installed, microwave moved… success.

As is customary when I have oodles of work to do, I usually descend downstairs and brew a Conan mug of tea (procrastination). However, when I went to brew this particular mug of tea, I filled it with the necessary ingredients; two tea bags, water, and sugar… got ready to put it in the microwave, just to find that the damn thing was unplugged. “So plug the damn thing in!” you say. Of course that’s the logical approach. I would’ve done so if there was a damn electrical outlet within ten feet of the stupid heap of unnaturally quick food preparation…ness.

So came my next option – get out a pan and boil water on the stove. Easy, yet I was too lazy to find the small pan. I stood there in the middle of the kitchen, cold tea in hand… when I had a revelation. Use the hot water from the faucet! DUH.

Needless to say, that’s my procrastinational story behind my cup of tea. I’m sure you’re enlightened. It was quite inspiring, if I might say so myself. Heh heh.

Anyway, I should probably get back to reading the stupid book. Or maybe I’ll just surf the web and continue my wonderful habit of putting things off to the very last minute. I pick door number two. 😀

Staying home, indie music, and some other nonsensical crap.

Why does WordPress have to be so damn slow? It takes two freaking minutes to load one freaking thing and I have freaking DSL.

Not that my DSL is good in the first place, but that’s beside the point. Whatever.

Anyway, I stayed home today from school. Against my own will, mind you. I woke up to Mum telling me that I really shouldn’t go and that I should just sleep. She kept coming up with all different kinds of ways to say “You should just stay home” and eventually I got so bored I stopped listening and fell back to sleep. Success on her part, failure on mine. Damn. And this is only the fifth time in four years that I’ve ever missed school. Agh.

So yeah. Right now I’m going through a sort of music discovery craze. Nah, it’s more like a bandhunt for good Indie bands. Heh heh. My music collection of 1300-something songs is getting stale. Seriously. Like… the crouton kind of stale. But yeah. So far I’ve checked out The Postal Service, Arctic Monkeys, Bloc Party… and that’s it. I already know a lot of them, like Franz Ferdinand, Interpol, The Arcade Fire, Modest Mouse… Radiohead…

I can’t believe I wrote something as stupid as the About Me page last night. At least I put my own little disclaimer in there saying that I’m always not nearly that stupid-sounding all the time. I’m not even going to apologize for writing something that idiotic. It’s a first-hand look at me. The best advice I can give you? Run away! Run awaaaayy!

*Ahem* Anyway… clementines rock. I’ve eaten about 15 16 of them (no exaggeration) already and there are two is one more sitting in front of me on my desk. I’m probably going to get vitamin c poisoning or something. Woot.

You know what? I want to go to London. Forget moving to Switzerland for a few years… I want to go to London. London is awesome. Yeah. I’m going to London. I have no idea how, but I’m going. Maybe there’s some sort of foreign exchange program? Psht… probably not. I don’t need one. I’ll go anyway. I’ve always wanted to go to London. Okay, maybe not… but I want to now. So there.

I just realized that I have scratches on my reading glasses. How the hell can I get scratches on a pair of glasses that I don’t even wear?! Grr. Then again, it’s been almost a year that I’ve had them. Still. I never wear them. Wtf.

I’m running out of things to yap about. This sucks. Ah hah! I remembered something.

I’m thinking about putting some of my lightning videos on Hell, if I can make money off of them, I’m all for it. I do deserve some sort of compensation for all the times that I’ve almost died. Heh heh. I don’t know whether or not I should make it so they’re in slow-motion or just leave them be. I have an idea… why don’t I just put one up there now and see what happens? Yeah!

Okay, forget that. At least for now. I’m not really in the mood for divulging my personal information at the moment. Maybe some other time.

I think I’m going to do some review for Geometry.  I’ve got a test tomorrow and I guess there was review… I just checked out the powerpoint thing and it’s a bunch of problems.  What a retard.  Grr.  Maybe I just won’t take it.  Yeah.  That sounds like a really, really good idea.  I’ll float around the library or something.  No!  Orchestra lesson!  Yes!  Muah hah hah!  Wait… bad idea.  She yelled at me last time for not practicing.  Wtf.  She just caught on to the fact that I never practice?  I felt like saying “Where the hell have you been for the last 6 years?!”  But yeah.


429 Signatures!!!